Parents As Legacy Builders #legacybuilding #masterfulparenting #children #parenting #krisvollotton #povertyrichesandwealth

 What does it mean to leave a legacy? What kind of legacy was left to you by your parents or grandparents

The Oxford dictionary defines legacy in two ways: first, leaving money or property to someone in a will and second, a person’s life having a long-lasting impact.  And it’s the second definition that can apply to all parents, regardless of our situation

The notion of legacy first came to me when I read the book, Poverty, Riches and Wealth by Kris VollottonNow I picked up the book so I could work on my mindset about moneyHowever, Kris Vollotton, brought up the biblical idea of building a legacy not just for our children but also for our children's childrenI’ve been thinking about how we can leave a legacy as parents

When we think of ourselves as legacy builders, people who have long lasting impact, on our children and children’s children, our parenting changes.  We no longer get irritated by a messy room, or dishes left in the sink, or a C- on a report card.  Why?  Because we are legacy builders.  And the next time we feel upset or angry, we can take a deep breath and remind ourselves, “Oh Yeah, I’m a legacy builder. 

Our purpose is to have a positive impact and not get distracted by these minor annoyances.   I urge you and myself to become legacy builders.  Think about the legacy you want to leave and be intentional in your thoughts and actions.  We, parents, can become world changers when we think of ourselves as Legacy Builders.


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