Become A Parent Influencer #parenting #influencer #parentinfluencer #parentingsupport #communitybuilding

Did you know that you can be a Parent Influencer? 

Hi, I’m Anne Alvares, Parenting Coach of the Masterful Parenting Program. 

Recently, I read a blog from GRIN about the 5 Characteristics of a Good Influencer and this made me think about the ways we can be influencers in our role as parents.

So here are the 5 characteristics and how they apply to parenting: 

  1. 1. Authenticity – People want authenticity and so do our kids. This means being genuine in our praise. When we notice our child accomplish something and we think it's great, we praise. If we praise our child to help make them feel good, but it is not authentic, our children will know.

  1. 2. Building Community – We do not live on the planet alone and it really does takes a village to raise a child. So build your village, connect with your child’s friends and their parents, connect with your church, your temple, be involved in your child’s school through volunteering or serving on the PAC. This is how you build community to help give support and influence to you and your child.

  1. 3. Trust – This means keeping your promises and doing what you say. When you do this, it will give your child a sense of safety.

  1. 4. Passion – Have passion for your child, your child’s interests and support your child's passion. Also, have passion in our own your life by learning new things, getting on your bucket list, and making goals for ourselves. When we have passion in our life, our children become passionate about their life as well.

  1. 5. Creating Content – The way I think if content building in our role as parents is to create experiences that our children will remember. These experiences include family trips, playing games together, special dinners, doing fun activities, and celebrating accomplishments. These moments build memories that connect us as a family.

So, I encourage all of us parents to think of ourselves as Parent Influencers and use these 5 characteristics to connect and shape our children. If this message has inspired or helped you in anyway please like or comment. And if you want support in your parenting journey, please message me to learn more about the Masterful Parenting Program. 


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