Power of Forgiveness

Did you know that there is power in forgiveness?

Unfortunately, pain and hurt are a part of our human experience.  Every person experiences pain in their lives whether it came from an abusive husband, a negligent parent, or a bully at school. The pain is real and experienced by all.  But the key to moving through the pain and hurt is forgiveness.

I will tell that you cannot be a peaceful parent without forgiveness.  I know it is not easy to forgive. but how does holding on to hurt serve you?  Stop for a minute and think about this.  Does it make the hurt go away, does it make you feel better, does it empower you?  

If not, you need to let go and forgive. Part of forgiveness is understanding and developing compassion.  People who hurt have been hurt.  Let that sink in for a minute.  Can we see that person's pain and feel compassion?  When we feel compassion for those who hurt us, we are in a position of power.  The hurt person becomes the healer.  And this is how we can change the world.

It's easy to love people when they are good to us, show affection, give us gifts.  That is easy to love.  The challenge is loving people in their moment of weakness, of hurt, and of sin.  But when we do love people regardless of their behaviour, unconditionally, we are in our power and this give us hope for change.  A transformation in ourselves results in a transformation in others.

So let go of the pain and hurt and step into love, Love yourself, see yourself as a strong survivor of hurt, and in turn love others.  Loving gives us peace.

When our children misbehave or disappointment us, forgive.  When someone steals your parking spot at the mall, forgive.  When anyone demeans you, forgive.  Forgive all past wrongs and move into feeling love.  This is your power as a parent who has been healed.


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